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Uploading Resources

brew allows you to upload your own files onto the system that can then be shared with others. This is particularly useful if you have a local dataset that you'd like to use inside your brew workflow.

  • To add a file to brew and use it within a workflow simply drag and drop the file onto the canvas
  • Note: Not all file types are supported – please take a look at the CV_Types table within the Common Vocabulary section. If you have a file type that brew does not support please contact the brew team at to discuss incorporation

  • After selecting, "Upload" your file will be uploaded to brew and it can be used within your workflow. It will also be saved as a resource which you can share with others and reuse in other workflows.

  • Now that we have the resource loaded into the canvas we can connect the CSV file to the proper functional. In this case I will use the "CSV to Table" functional to convert the CSV file into a CV_Table.

  • Now that I've uploaded my file I may want to share this resource with others. To do this I can simply find the resource in the bottom section of the Properties Pane and click on the "Edit Access Controls" button on the left of the file name.
  • Adding users or groups is as simple as searching for them under "Add User/Group to ACL".
  • You can also manage your groups by expanding the "My Groups" section at the bottom.